Run funds onchain

Powering the transition to decentralised and non-custodial asset management

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Introducing OIVs

Onchain investment vehicles (OIVs) enable depositors to delegate scoped permissions to managers or operate with recourses through governance.

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Use Cases

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Delegated Asset Management

Enabling flexible deposits/redemptions, and delegated permissions to execute any transaction on behalf of a OIV. All fees are automated.

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Decentralized Treasury Management

Empowering DAOs to manage their collective recourses in treasury via on-chain governance rather than multi-sig.

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Looking for a DeFi Portfolio Manager. Executing diverse trading and yield farming strategies to optimize returns!


Protocol Design

Connecting battle-tested smart contracts with an innovative, reliable approach to net asset value (NAV) calculation, all brought together in an intuitive user experience.

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Rethink Safe Module

Seamless integration for flexible deposits and redemptions at fair NAV. Automated fee handling with distinct separation from Safe's core contract logic, enhancing protocol functionality without compromising on security.

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Safe Core Custody

DeFi's premier custody contract standard. Secure custody and management of all underlying positions in an OIV, with governance contract ownership for enhanced trust and reliability.

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Open Zeppelin Governance

OIV's management and ownership are controlled through the Open Zeppelin governor, offering efficient, secure fund governance for enhanced decision-making and integrity.

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Gnosis Zodiac Roles Modifier

Define and assign manager roles with precision. Empower roles with specific permissions for independent interactions with approved positions, enabling efficient management while maintaining governance oversight.

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OIVs are non-custodial, and are governed through on-chain governance. They can delegate permissions or operate without a manager.

Non-custodial Participation

Investors remain in control over their assets. Managers do not have direct access to assets.

Full DeFi Access

OIVs may interact with any contract/address, by connecting it's custody contract directly to the desired protocol user interface.

Supporting All Position Types

Depending on permissions, supporting liquid, illiquid, NFTs, and DeFi composable positions.

OIV Governance

Execute any transaction through governance. Control protocol settings and permissions for managers.

Scoped Delegated Permissions

Delegate scoped permissions with unlimited flexibility to managers. Execute transactions without a proposal.

Flexible Deposits/Redemptions

Flexibly settle deposit and redemption requests, regardless of the underlying positions.

Automated Fees

Fully automated optional fees: performance fee, management fee (with hurdle rate), deposit fee, and redemption fee.

Low Operating Costs

Our smart contract automation lowers total operational expenses compared to TradFi funds by more than 95%.

Broad Network Support

Easily supported on all EVM networks, currently not cross-network.

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Designed for DeFi

Bringing together the best of traditional asset management and existing tokenised vaults.

TradFi Funds in Web3

Tokenized Vaults

Non Custodial

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Full DeFi Access

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All Position Types

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Fund Governance

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Scoped Permissions

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Flexible Deposits/ Redemptions

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Automated Fees

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Operating Costs



Network Support


LimitedAll EVM
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